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What Does A Commercial Building Inspector Check?

December 26, 2017
By Adam
Posted in Pre-Purchase Property Inspections
Standard Post Type

What Does A Commercial Building Inspector Check?

What does a Commercial Building Inspector Check For?

Whether it is an investment property or setting up a new space for your business, buying a commercial space in Adelaide is full of many considerations. Is the property appropriate for the nature of the business itself? And will it produce a viable stream of income to justify the purchase? These decisions are largely financial—and understandably so—therefore there needs to be a meticulous attitude towards everything in your control that might affect your bottom line. This is where it is imperative for us to understand the importance of a commercial building inspection.

Coming Back To Bite You

The reality of buying any new property is that you are not always privy to how it was treated by previous occupants. In businesses especially, maintenance can be a costly process, so it is not uncommon for questionable approaches to be undertaken if it means saving a few dollars. Trying to save on expenses is likely to result in areas of the property experiencing damage and dilapidation. So, as the new owner, what does that mean for you?

Well, when you purchase a commercial property you are the receiver of not just the land and the building, but of all the problems that could be riddled within the two. This means that after you sign that dotted line, you are responsible for everything inside. Consumer protection law will only cover purchases up to $40,000, so there is no real recourse if you have not been made aware of the defects within. From a business perspective, this can be an absolute nightmare if it results in having to pay for repairs down the track. It could also interrupt your income stream if you are not able to operate there, or if the property is not safe or suitable for your tenants.

The Job Of A Commercial Building Inspector

A commercial building inspection in Adelaide will involve a strategic checklist by the team at Detail Building Inspections. The report we provide will give you a thorough understanding of any faults present in the building, but also inform you of any issues of building non-compliance.

Structural Integrity

This seems like something that would be fairly obvious to the naked eye, but unless the building is in a state of extreme dilapidation, it may well go unnoticed. Your building inspector will check every accessible area, including the roof and the subfloor, looking for any cracks in walls and ceilings, disjointing in timber, or anything in between. Our building license and certificates in Timber Framing Code and Elements of Roof Trusses will ensure everything is looked at meticulously.

When a problem like this is found, it will allow you to seek the professional guidance of a structural engineer who will advise you of the seriousness of the problem. If unaddressed they can turn quite nasty. Considering serious structural flaws are a costly exercise to have repaired, having a commercial building inspection could give you a valuable bargaining tool when negotiating the sale.


One of the most common types of defects in a building is the build-up of moisture in places where it shouldn’t be. Moisture damage can cause salt damp in the walls, promote rust and rotting, and cause a hefty repair bill if it is left unaddressed. Using special equipment, our commercial building inspections involve taking the readings of moisture throughout the property that can help to identify larger problems. Where there is a build up of moisture there is usually another issue that has caused it, such as leaky pipes, defective roofing, or even faulty air conditioning units.


An issue closely related to the problems of moisture is the presence of pests such as termites and wood borers. When timber is damp, it creates the perfect environment to attract pests into the building. They will have no issue with eating away at it, while racking up a hefty repair bill at the same time. Without checking areas that aren’t visible to the human eye, the building could have been irrevocably damaged by these little critters. Detail Building Inspections are licensed in pest control by SA Health, which means we are well equipped to identify and treat the problem.

Australian Codes and Standards

A critical aspect of leasing out a commercial property is ensuring it is done so safely and legally. Being Adelaide’s leading commercial building inspector, we are well informed of the requirements to Australian Building Codes and Standards. When attending your property, we will check for non-compliance against these codes and look for any evidence of illegal builds.

The importance of this cannot be overstated. If any accident occurred on the property—to staff or customers—and it was found that you had leased out a space that was unsafe or non-compliant, you are likely to be held responsible. Not only will having a commercial building inspection provide you with valuable information before the sale, but it will also deliver peace of mind that you are purchasing a property that is up to standard from an occupational health and safety perspective.

Contact Us

Detail Building Inspections are your first point of call if you are serious about buying a commercial property. With accreditation in National Construction, Building Supervision, Pest Control, and Thermography, we are your best choice for commercial building inspections in Adelaide.

Here at Detail Building Inspections, we understand that time is of the essence for any business owner so part of our service means that you will receive your inspection report that night. Book online to arrange yours today, or call us on 0412 202 336 to seek advice and a quote.



Defects found upon inspection that need addressing immediately
Safety hazards that require urgent attention
Major defects that require professional help due to extensive damage
Superficial defects that are classed as normal maintenance
Anything we feel is need for concern
Most Common Defects :
Dampness Issues
Termite Infestation
Fire Hazards
Poor External Surface Drainage
Damaged Roof Sheets Or Tiles
Safety Switches
Leaking Showers & Baths
Smoke Detectors
Major & Minor Wall Cracks
Subsiding Foundations
Defective Gutters
Decayed Boundary Fences
Tree Root Damage
Safety & Electrical Hazards
Bouncy & Uneven Floors
Leaking Hot Water Units
Non Compliant Downlight’s
Active Water Leaks
Salt Damp
Brick & Mortar Deterioration
Subfloor Ventilation
Damp Proof Course

detail building inspections

Whether you’re a property buyer looking for a pre-purchase building inspection, a seller looking to cover all the bases, someone with a building project or an owner builder, Detail Building Inspections Adelaide is your local building inspection company.

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